Blog post #17!

What's up to the reader! My name is lane miller and this is my 17th blog post and might be my last or second to last. We got a new key question! Why do people migrate, and well we will find that out through the two learning objectives. the first one is why do people migrate? most people migrate for better job opportunities or to escape some sort of persecution, they can be split into two categories.
the first is voluntary; for things like jobs/money, and involuntary; like escaping persecution or natural disaster. Then we had to talk about some migration trends. like how approximately 9%of the world's population are international migrants. and how Asia, Latin America, and Africa all have net out-migration which means more people are leaving than entering the country. And how north America, Europe, and Australia all have a net in migrations, which means that more people are coming in than out.


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