Human Geo. post #5

Howdy Reader, my name is Lane Miller and this is my blog. today in human geography we got a new key topic so another blog post.  How do Geographers Describe where things are? Well, they use maps! Maps are the main tool in the geographer's arsenal. However because our earth is a sphere, despite what some people say, it is hard to accurately display it on a 2D surface or a map. because of a thing called distortion. Distortion is kind of like the geographers Kryptonite because when a 3D sphere is placed onto a map the farther you get away from the center, or equator, the bigger the landmasses seem to get. For instance, the Mercator projection, the most widely used projection, shows Greenland to be the size of Africa. This is because Africa is on the equator and Greenland is very close to the pole. In reality, Greenland is 14x smaller than Africa, this is one of the biggest predicaments in the geography world, trying to find the best projection.  we also had to define a few key terms: map scale-Map scale refers to the relationship (or ratio) between distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground, projection-an image projected on a surface, meridian-a circle of constant longitude passing through a given place on the earth's surface and the terrestrial poles, longitude-the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes, parallel-  side by side and having the same distance continuously between them, latitude- side by side and having the same distance continuously between them, prime meridian-a planet's meridian adopted as the zero of longitude. When reading maps we use the map scale to identify the distance between places, also we need to choose the type of projection that best suits our desire. And finally we had to identify the three main map projections: Mercatormollweide, and Eckert IV
