Malthus questions 10/15/19

Hello, Readers, my name is Lane Miller. And this is my post on the Malthus questions.

  1. According to Malthus, what is the general nature of all animated life?
  2. According to Malthus, what is the most positive check on human population growth that has existed in history?
  3. Describe Malthus’ idea of arithmetic growth of food supply v geometric growth of the human population. 
  4. Discuss Malthus’ idea of positive and preventive checks on the human population. Provide examples of both.  
  5. RESEARCH: Was Malthus Right? Read the article and do some outside research if necessary and decide whether or not Malthus was right.  

1. The general nature of all animated life is to increase beyond the nourishment provided for it.
2. According to Malthus, the most positive check is a disease.
3. Malthus's description of the arithmetic growth of the food supply is human population doubles over time I.E (1,2,4,6) while the food population only goes up by ones I.E(1,2,3,4) this means that we will eventually run out of food. on the other hand geometric growth of the human population is when humans speed up the growth by interfering with the land/crops.
4. Mathus's idea of preventive checks are when humans interfere with nature's checks like with vaccines and birth control. wile positive checks are when nature checks the humans, like with disease and disasters.
5. personally I think Mathus was not right because one this was from the early 1800s and before the industrial revolution. after the industrial revolution, we had advanced so much so quickly that his ideas of "checks" did not necessarily check anymore. they still happen but at a much lower scale. We as humans have made powerful vaccines, floodwalls, and even have reclaimed land from the sea. Now Mathus was right about the population doubling over time. that is how we measure population growth nowadays, by how many years it will take for the population to double. Also, Mathus es idea on nature is life is also correct, we as humans have the want to increase our nourishments beyond what we can provide, like with material possessions and food.
