japenses old age questions

Salutations Reader my name is Lane Miller. These are just some questions from an article that we read about Japan's aging crisis.
1.) According to the article, what are the two fundamental aspects of Japan's aging crisis?
2.) By 2030, what percentage of the Japanese population will be elderly dependents (aged 65+)? 
3.) What is the direct economic impact of Japan's aging population?
4.) How is the Japanese government attempting to address labor shortages?

1. The two main aspects of the aging Crisis are the increase of the elderly in the total population, and slower population growth because of a smaller fertility rate. 
2. By 2030 34% of all of japans population will be over the age of 65.
3. The direct economic impact that the aging crisis will bring is a smaller labor force.
4. The government is trying to fight the labor shortages by encouraging women to join the workforce.
