Article 4 paragraphs

Hey, Readers, my name is Lane Miller. This is my four-paragraph essay on fertility rates and the factors that cause them in two different countries France and Nigeria. The fertility rates in Nigeria and France are caused by these 2 factors women’s earnings % based on men and literacy rates.

First, we have France, France is a developed nation which means that they should have a smaller birth rate. This is true, in 2017 they had a birth rate of 1.9 children per woman, this is a healthy birth rate and points to France being a developed nation. In France, the Average Percentage of a women's salary to a mans is 72%. this is perfect and it is so high means that the women are more educated. Because they are more educated they make better decisions and know more about contraceptives.
France also has a literacy rate of 99%, this is much higher than in other countries. this also means that women have a better chance to learn about contraceptives and to provide for themselves and their children.

Next, we have Nigeria, Nigeria is not a developed nation. They have one of the largest populations in Africa, and that is shown by there 5.5 birth rate in 2017. that means that every woman has at least 5 children witch is crazy. This is why stations in the Human Geography community say that Africa's population with grow three-fold. In Nigeria Most women have to stay at home and take care of the kids this means that they never had the chance to go to school. This means that these women have very limited knowledge of contraceptives. Also in Nigeria only 44% of the women there are literate this makes them not even to be possible to get a job cause they cat read. this means that they cant better themselves in the income levels.

In conclusion, Birth rates in these two countries are very different. France has a very healthy birth rate, Nigeria has a very volatile one. This can be summed up by just stating that Nigeria is a developing country while France is already Developed.
