Human Geo. Day1!

Hello Reader, my name is Lane Miller and I am a freshman at The John Carroll School this year, and am also a self-proclaimed geography/history veteran. This is why I am taking Human Geography this semester and so far it is great. Every day after class we have to write a blog post on the happenings of that day. So that brings me to here. Today we tackled or first key question "what is human geography?", well human geo. is the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place, and how they affect the earth's environment as well as how the earth's environment affects them. Such as mountain ranges or rivers can hinder a civilization's movement/expansion, and how humans think of borders for there prospective places. We also had to define physical geography. Which is the study of earth's natural features, processes, and phenomena. Today in class we also learned about the three different maps geographers use to do there work. They are Thematic witch is a map that has a certain them to is like population density or temperatures, these maps are usually in a heat map format.
The second type of map is a political map, this map shows countries borders or what land a particular group has infused or control over, these maps are usually shown with different colors for the territories or land of the particular group as to not get the country confused with one another. The third and final map that we covered was Physical, Physical maps are used to show earth's land features over a particular area, like rivers and mountains. these maps do not usually have borders on them. So as a recap of today, we learned about geography and its two distinct branches and the different types of maps geographers use to do their work. Based on the first day of class I think I will enjoy this year of human geography.
