Greetings Reader, my name is Lane Miller. This is my 7th blog post and today in human geography we talked about time zones. Time zones are a way of showing how in some places it is a different light level than in other places. For instance, if it is 8:30 here than it would be 5:30 in Los Angeles. we also had to define a few things: UTC- universal central time, GMT- Greenwich mean time witch restes on the equator, Daylight Savings Time- is the practice of turning the clock ahead as warmer weather approaches and vise Versa, and finally Standard Deviation- a quantity calculated to indicate the extent of deviation for a group as a whole. You might ask how do geographer tell where to put each time zone, well. Normally there is a time zone every 15 degrees around the earth. However, there are some deviations to this rule, like in Nepal its a 30-minute difference instead of an hour. and there are also some countries out there that choose not to follow the GMT. like in North Korea they have there own time zone.
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